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Emotional Triggers That Can Increase CTR (Click-Through Rate)

Emotional Triggers That Can Increase CTR (Click-Through Rate)

Are you spending a lot on advertising online, and yet not seeing enough results? Do you understand what you might be doing wrong? In online marketing where you don’t see your customers face to face, your advertisements need to be powerful enough for viewers to click on them, look up your product or service, and complete that checkout. So what can you do to improve the results?
Emotional Triggers That Can Increase CTR (Click-Through Rate)
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Work on your CTR or Click-Through Rates

One of the most important metrics in online advertising is your CTR (click-through rate), which measures if your ad is effective enough that people actually click on it.  The higher, the better.  So, your goal should be above the average of 2%.  And how do you do that?

Create Outstanding Ads, Use Those Emotions

As with most forms of marketing, we’d want to test which kind of ads would touch a chord in your target audience’s heart. Strong enough to make them act on it and actually buy your product or service. So if your advertisements are highly-visible, but so are others, you’d want to find a way to stand out from the competition.
As marketers, we know the sure-fire steps to close a deal: Know your target market and present your service or product in a way that will capture your audience’ attention. Think about it; the most successful TV commercials always play on the viewers’ emotions. They make you want to stay and watch. They laugh, they cry, they shout. And the product itself thus leaves an impression to the viewer.

Increase CTR with Emotional Triggers

There are a lot of emotional-triggers based marketing and advertising strategies that you can apply to any form of an advertising campaign. So, let’s discuss some of the most common emotional triggers that can Increase CTR (click-through rate):

1. Fear and Uncertainty

We are vulnerable beings, and marketers know that. We all have frustrations and anxieties. And there are a lot of products and services out there that addresses those concerns. Think insurance, medical services, health products, and the like.

2. Awe and Affirmation

We like seeing wonderful, beautiful things, and we want to have them.  We need to feel good about ourselves, and sometimes those eye-catching objects are exactly the kind of things which can make us feel better. Know what your audience wants and give it to them. This would work particularly well in the fashion, beauty, and health industries.

3. Laughter and Disgust

Yes, these extreme emotions work. We all need a good laugh, sometimes at our own expense. A funny ad about a beer belly might do the trick for a diet regimen you’re pitching. Besides that, studies show that happiness and laughter mean, in many cases, more shares (on social media, for example).

4. Anger and Shock

Work those feelings of resentment and hurt. This would work well for services that help people deal with life’s difficulties like claims and legal assistance. Research shows that words with negative connotations, in general, tend to attract more clicks and opens.
May it be email marketing, newsletters, Facebook ads, search ads like paid search ads or PPC, or display ads like banner ad campaigns on platforms and marketplaces such as Bannerbit.com – focusing on the right way and proper mix of emotional triggers and the right keyword placements will inevitably boost your returns at the least cost.  Why don’t you give it a try?

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